We Are Winning in New Hampshire
Like Perseus with his mirror and lance we shall strike down the Medusa of the New World Order. Bartcop is still solidly pro-Hillary, so if you as liberal want to expiate on the calumnies of this Bush-Clinton cabel, email him at bartcop-feedback@bartcop.com. Below is an excerpted article from ChronWatch
Dems Hate Hillary More than Bush
Written by Gregory Borse
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Who do the Democrats of New Hampshire hate more than Bush? Why, Hillary Clinton, of course.
The Boston Herald has run a story, by Business Columnist Brett Arends (go here), about focus-group polling among Democrats in New Hampshire that sheds light on a curious phenomenon from outside the Washington D.C. bubble. It seems that a very real antipathy for Hillary Clinton is growing among grassroots Democrats and that it has thus far gone largely unremarked among the party elite.
The folks at the Daily Kos were abuzz about the numbers yesterday-- go here, see 2008: Hillary Hate in New Hampshire. And many of them agreed with the “vitriol” spewed against Ms. Clinton by Dems in New Hampshire.
One Kossack, “Eugene,” put it this way:
Until the last few years many of us felt supportive of her. We rejected the right-wing smears.
And how did she repay us? By cozying up to Bush and the same right wing. Arguing we need to rethink our strong stance on abortion rights. Wasting time worrying about violent video games instead of violent Republican government. Her transparent attempts at appeasing the right led many of us to believe she was indeed Machiavellian, power-mad, utterly untrustworthy.
If she were to merely remain Senator, this level of vitriol would not exist. But she clearly seeks the presidency, and the vast majority of us DO NOT want her to be that. It's the combination then of her play for the presidency and her selling out of our basic core values that creates this disdain.
And yeah, her handlers and the beltway Dems are deeply deluded if they think this can be overcome. Hillary is the dictionary definition of unelectable.
We will not fooled by another puppet for the Carlyle Group. The tide is turning. The liberal base is letting its voice be heard by a ferocious roar. In the name of all that is holy, I rebuke you, Hillary!
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