Democrats Who Hate Hillary

This is the blog dedicated to dumping the globalizing, freetrading, and war-making Medusa of the New World Order. We are dedicated to making Ms. Clinton so unpopular, that people of conscience may have a real choice in 2008. Don't settle for an "anybody candidate". Vote your ideals, not your fears.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

"Jobs for New York" Scam, Ultra New Weapons from Carlyle Group

Hillary's "Jobs for New York" has been exposed as a meetup with various Carlyle Group executives, Wall Street portolio managers, and various military contractors. Steven Greenfield is running against Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary. I have to praise him for putting up a valiant campaign against her. The New York media ignores progressive candidates against Machine Hillary. Could it be they remember husband Bill's help with the communications bill during the 90's? Keep in mind that New Yorkers and American citizens have little hope for a peaceful planet and a prosperous future as long as war hawk politicians like Hillary stay in high office. We must make it painful for Democratic politicians to adhere to the Scoop Jackson hardline. No more spending the sweat of the nation for these weapons, while destroying the productivity of our population for consumer goods. It is as if we are reproducing an economy on the scale of the old Soviet Union. In Eric Blair's 1984,the idea was put forth that the comfort and the prosperity of the people would be clamped down, so that resources could be diverted to military spending. This structure kept the population uncultured and enslaved. There were not enough resources to keep citizens
well housed and well fed; these resources were used for the latest and greatest military technologies. A democratic republic cannot exist within a garrison state. interviews Steve Greenfield

JH: Do you think Sen. Clinton should run for president?

SG: What a complex question, seemingly so simple. I think Hillary would be a terrible president, so in that sense I'd prefer that she not run. On the other hand, I'm positive she couldn't possibly win, and the 50 to 100 million dollars she'd spend in the primaries would be a serious economic stimulus that would create a lot of employment. On the other hand, I'd rather see that money going to a decent candidate or better yet, to feed hungry people or buy two year's worth of health insurance for the uninsured, so again, I'd rather she not run, but people are donating that money to Hillary of their own free will and there's no doubt that, sadly, they expect her to spend it on herself rather than on anything that will do good for the world, and that she's happy to oblige.

JH: Would you support her if she did?

SG: I would oppose her with every ounce of my energy.

JH: Have you been making much use of the internet in your campaign? Is the web useful for an insurgent candidate like yourself who is running against the party organization?

SG: I have not been exploiting the power of the web as much as I should. It is a very useful tool, and I have to step up my efforts in that area. To the degree I have been using the web it has been extremely successful.

JH: How do you expect to get your name on the ballot in September?

SG: My campaign volunteers will carry petitions.

JH: You won't have enough money to collect signatures by going the petition route and the state party won't give you a place on the ballot.

SG: It doesn't take money to petition, just people. A properly formatted blank petition can be sent to volunteers as an email attachment, or downloaded from the campaign website. And it's not as hard as you may think to get the required signatures. The 15,000 signature requirement translates into 150 volunteers being able to get just 100 signatures each. That could be done in two afternoons in front of a supermarket or post office. Of course, you build some protection against a petition challenge by going beyond the minimum, but the point is, it's not that hard, and not expensive.

JH: Why did you decide to confront Sen. Clinton in Albany last Friday and do you plan more of that?

SG: Upon entering the ballroom where the luncheon was being held, I discovered that the event had nothing to do with "Jobs for New York" as it had been billed. One of the panelists was a former Clinton Administration official and current top executive of the Carlyle Group, the nation's largest military-industrial contractor (aka merchants of death) whose directorship is a who's who of former top Democrat, Republican, and British administration officials. The others were from other top military contractors and investment portfolios. The marquee name and moderator was none other than a Senator who reliably casts votes that borrow vast amounts of money from my children to the profit of her panelists and the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent people. Unsurprisingly, they are also her most reliable campaign donors. Quite frankly, after watching a few minutes of their cozy love-fest, my blood began to boil, as any decent person's would. It was impossible to contain myself. While the voices of war were being so pleasantly and royally heeded, it became necessary that a lone voice of peace rise above and be heard.

I plan to confront Hillary at every possible opportunity.


At 4:41 PM, Blogger Angel Feathers Tickle Me said...

Love to all........

At 5:48 PM, Blogger Paracelsus said...

Yes, love, love, all you need is love.


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