ADL Claims Nothing
to See Here; Run Along Now
I see that the establishment powers-that-be are getting scared of the notice the Bilderbergers are getting. It is no secret that Hillary Clinton, a natural ADL ally, is responsive to funding a militarily strong Israel as well as other national politicians. The public's suspicion and fear of the Bilderberger meetings are starting to gain notice among Washington power players. The ADL seems to link all Bilderberger watchers with anti-Semites. Notice the link to the Liberty Lobby and the "Spotlight" periodical. So predictable is the allusion that it is like watching frog legs in series doing the Can Can to the rhythmic tapping of a wire on an automotive battery. If the Bilderberger conferences are so inconsequential then why is there such a press blackout on these conferences. If large groups of baseball players or mob members were found to have a secret conference at an exclusive hotel I think the media would cover it. Also why is it independent reporters and journalists are treated so shabbily by the police? In addition there seems to be a lockdown police state surrounding these conventions. The last convention in north Georgia featured police checkpoints in the areas surrounding Lanier Lake, the site of the Bilderberger conference in 1997.
I hold the ADL in high suspicion generally as they seem to hate the First Amendment. I once talked to an ADL staffer over the first amendment in regard to their organization's pressure on the web hosting of a Neo-Nazi site. I asked if the Bill of Rights is such a wonderful thing, then why are you pressuring a private company to drop a client's web site. He kept on going about how hateful the website was. I answered that if you had any power over the whole issue you would get rid of the First Amendment. He answered that there was nothing he could do about the First Amendment. I said that by your pressuring this web hosting firm it seems that you would restrict Freedom Expression. He said that First Amendment was the law of the land. I said if you at all liked the First Amendment you would leave the web hosting company alone! He said that the ADL would keep pressuring the web hosting company. My last word was you have no love of the Constitution then.
As for Hillary Clinton, these Israel-above-all organizations are her biggest supporters. And if you are repulsed by Hillary and those who would strip our freedoms away, know that the Jews of the Third Reich had no Freedom of Speech. Banning free expression is the first step toward banning Freedom for All. Ms. Clinton has been prominent in censoring free speech in music and entertainment for the protection of the children. She and Lieberman are prime enemies of Freedom of Speech. I will fight tooth and nail to prevent Hate Speech codes being enacted in this country. Please join me by putting out of office politicians like Ms. Clinton and Mr. Joe Lieberman.
ADL Website: Debunking the Bilderberg Myth
Debunking the Bilderberg Myth
Deriving its name from the Dutch hotel where it first met in 1954, the Bilderberg group is an actual, legitimate entity whose members consist of approximately 100 influential European and American figures in politics, business and academia who meet annually to discuss and advocate political, diplomatic and economic policies.
Various far-right extremists and conspiracy theorists, however, charge that the group is a shadowy force seeking to control world events, exerting allegedly dominating powers of international influence to promote a "new world order" under their control. The extremists claim that Presidential candidates of both major U.S. political parties are controlled by the Bilderberg group; among those often mentioned in such conspiracy-oriented propaganda are David Rockefeller, the Clintons and Henry Kissinger. Other Bilderberg leaders are said to be members of the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations -- groups which themselves are often central players in far-right conspiracy theories of secret efforts at domination of the world's political and financial institutions and the press. Such charges about the Bilderberg group were a regular feature in The Spotlight, the recently-defunct weekly tabloid of the far-right, anti-Semitic Liberty Lobby.
Labels: ADL claims that only Anti-Semites would worry about Bilderbergers
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